What’s my go-to breakfast?
If you’d been following me on Instagram you’ll likely have noticed it really varies.
Some days it’s a satisfying savoury plate of eggs, veggies, greens, etc. Other days is a sweet treat like grain-free pancakes or waffles piled high with berries and whipped coconut cream. Most days however, it’s a big nutrient dense smoothie or smoothie bowl!
The recipe I’m sharing here is my usual go-to (although I have other ideas + recipes below)…
RECIPE: Purple Power Smoothie
RECIPE: Pumpkin Pie Smoothie
RECIPE: Refreshing & Detoxifying Green Smoothie
And why is this my usual go-to you might ask? Not only do I find it delightfully delicious, but it’s all jam-packed full of nutrients that help set up the rest of my day for whole happy success!
For example…
Avocado: Loaded with healthy fats that provide long-burning energy, avocados are also packed with calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium, copper, manganese, phosphorus and zinc, vitamin C, B6, B-12, A, D, K, E, thiamin, riboflavin, and niacin, and are a great source of dietary fibre. Because of all this, avocados aid in digestion, liver function, blood sugar balance, skin health and tissue repair.
Berries: Most berries are rich sources of antioxidants, vitamin C, and manganese. Research has found that dark hued berries contain anthocyanins and another phytochemical called quercetin that have been shown to help control blood sugar and prevent liver damage.
Baby kale: Rich in folate, kale can help improve mood, energy, and cognitive function. Kale also boasts a nutrient called isothiocyanates (ITCs), which are made from glucosinolates and have been reported to help detox your body at the cellular level. Last but certainly not least, kale is rich in antioxidants, particularly vitamin C and beta-carotene (the precursor to vitamin A), which have been shown to counteract the damaging effects of free radicals. This can help fight against chronic illness such as Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, cardiovascular disease, cataracts and even cancer.
Coconut milk: Coconut-based products (oil, cream/milk, flour, chips etc.) in their whole natural form are one of the best immune boosters thanks to their antiviral, antifungal, antibacterial, and anti-parasitic properties. Coconut is also high in antioxidants, can improve skin softness and hair growth, and are super-packed with healthy fats that diminish blood sugar imbalances while keeping you satiated and energized for longer.
Chia seeds: Boasting a rather ideal balance of essential fatty acids omega 3, 6, and 9’s, chia seeds aid in inflammation regulation and muscle function. They also contain all 8 essential amino acids needed for proper tissue growth and maintenance – some seriously attractive features for all you athletes out there (and everyone really). Even more alluring is that chia seeds are also loaded with magnesium, calcium, and potassium, all of which are needed for muscle contraction/relaxation and electrolyte balance.
Flax seeds: With solid levels of omega-3’s (the anti-inflammatory essential fatty acid), B-group vitamins, manganese, magnesium, phosphorous, and selenium, flax seeds are some pretty impressive little powerhouses and are fantastic for tissue growth and repair. They are also full of fibre, which can be helpful for digestive health, and blood sugar management.
Collagen powder: Amongst the many amazing benefits of consuming high quality collagen, the shining glory of this nutrient is its unrivalled ability to repair tissue. Whether reducing symptoms of leaky gut, healing injured or overworked muscles and tendons, or just giving your skin that incredible youthfully glow, collagen is a serious winner in the nutrition world!
BCAA’s: Short for branched-chain-amino-acids, BCAA’s are the building blocks for proteins, and are essential for muscle growth and maintenance. Taking BCAA’s has also been shown to improve athletic performance in a number of ways, including speeding up recovery time. They also promote liver health, prevent muscle loss, and may even promote weight loss for healthy body composition balance.
L-glutamine: L-glutamine is an amino acid and has been shown to be beneficial for immune function, intentional healing and digestive health, and of course like many other amino acids is crucial for muscle growth and maintenance.
*For 10% off Naked Nutrition L-glutamine + BCAA’s with code “NAKED10”
Spirulina: A type of blue-green algae, spirulina is quickly becoming one of the most researched and celebrated superfoods. Containing decent levels of minerals copper, iron, manganese, magnesium, and potassium, as well as vitamins, riboflavin, thiamin, niacin, pantothenic and folate, spirulina has been shown to offer neuroprotection for brain disorders, boost memory and overall cognition, improve immune function (specifically against sinus infections), and enhance overall energy. Spirulina has also been shown to promote detoxification of heavy metals (especially arsenic), as well as promote healthy natural detoxification and liver function in general. Studies have also shown spirulina to be beneficial in eliminating candida overgrowth (a problematic yeast occurring primarily in the digestive tract).
So now you know why my crazy concoction is so good for you, let’s learn how to make it shall we? Keep in mind of course that this is what works for me, but you may find different quantities of each ingredient suits your palate a bit better. As always feel free to get creative and never hesitate to email me at hello@wholehappy.com if you have any specific questions!
My (Nearly) Daily Whole Happy Smoothie
1/4 - 1/2 avocado (depending on how thick and creamy I want it that day)
1 cup berries (frozen or fresh)
A big handful (about 1-2 loose cups) of baby kale
1 tbsp chia seeds and/or 1 tbsp ground flax *psyllium husk also works great!
1 scoop (about 2tbsp-1/4 cup) collagen powder
1 tsp BCAA’s
1 tsp l-glutamine powder
1 tsp spirulina powder
Coconut milk to desired thickness (depending on whether you want it to be more of a smoothie, or smoothie bowl…I usually go anywhere from 1-2 cups)
Combine all ingredients in a high-powered blender, blend until completely smooth, and enjoy!
*Note if you’re keeping it thicker for smoothie bowl, I like to top mine with shopped nuts + seeds, chopped up dried fruit, homemade granola, or even some chopped up home-made power-balls