Purple hued fruits and veggies are some of the most nutrient-dense foods available to us! Purple foods contain important nutrients called anthocyanins, which are responsible for the blue, red, and of course purple colours of some fruits and vegetables. As an antioxidant, anthocyanin protects against cell damage from free radicals, and has also been shown to protect against H. Pylori, the bacteria that promotes the formation of stomach ulcers and urinary tract infections...
Read moreStone Fruit and Berry Crumble
Crumbles aren't inherently bad for you. Take away the refined sugar, and the unnecessarily high-carb often overly-processed topping (ie. refined flour and refined oats), and you’ve got yourself a pretty stellar treat! It’s a great way to use up whatever seasonal fruits you have lying around, and if you’re adding in healthful fats like nuts, seeds, coconut oil, and even that coconut-y cream-y dollop on top, the blood sugar spiking risk of the sweeter ingredients will be significantly diminished.
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